Here is present some good idea for us, this tools i found in some site, thank you for someone who made this. it's very usefull for us.
*Note: I don't write down the notes about the tools because i want made you free thinking about that ^^, when you see that picture, the lamp in your head will be present.
Enjoy this.
- Imajinasi Jaring-jaring Kubus (imagination nets cube)
- Pembuktian Pytaghoras (Pytaghoras Proof)
- Sudut Dalam Lingkaran (cyrcle Angle)
- Logika Off
- What is it? ^^
- Still about Angle
- Dakota FPB and KPK
- Susinometri
- Transformasi Field
- Statistic
Okay, guys. I think enough about "Alat Peraga". Just stay in my Diary Site ^^, and i will be happy to discuss or sharing with friend from anywhere (Indonesia and Anouther Country). You can contact me in I will be continue in another time ^^ see you :)