Alat Peraga
Banyak hal yang bisa membantu guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, terutama pada bidang matematika yang hingga saat ini masih ada siswa yang belum menyenangi matematika.Here is present some good idea for us, this tools i found in some site, thank you for someone who made this. it's very usefull for us.
*Note: I don't write down the notes about the tools because i want made you free thinking about that ^^, when you see that picture, the lamp in your head will be present.
Enjoy this.
- Imajinasi Jaring-jaring Kubus (imagination nets cube)
- Pembuktian Pytaghoras (Pytaghoras Proof)
- Sudut Dalam Lingkaran (cyrcle Angle)
- Logika Off
- What is it? ^^
- Still about Angle
- Dakota FPB and KPK
- Susinometri
- Transformasi Field
- Statistic
Okay, guys. I think enough about "Alat Peraga". Just stay in my Diary Site ^^, and i will be happy to discuss or sharing with friend from anywhere (Indonesia and Anouther Country). You can contact me in I will be continue in another time ^^ see you :)